SAFETY EDITIONS: 006 LA River to Silverlake Blvd.
by Daniel Noguera
When I first started riding, I found it immeasurably difficult to get around LA in a way that felt safe and accessible. Over the years, I’ve compiled a laundry list of short cuts, detours, and locals-only shoots that have allowed me to piece together rides spanning LA proper while still maintaining a threshold of safety from cars and pedestrians alike.
This series is a mission to disseminate this information and help LA riders and commuters (especially new ones) stay safe.
If you have any cuts that you love to use to find bike lanes, avoid cars, traffic, or anything dangerous, please DM us so we can feature them.
Often times I find many new riders are either reluctant to explore farther North East or flat our scarred from the awful and busy streets that connect Glendale, Pasadena, and farther North East to East Hollywood, Silverlake, Echo Park, and anywhere farther West or South West of there. Luckily, as long as you can find your way back to the LA river, you can hop off on Fletcher, pass under the highway, and take your first left behind the Whole Foods. This little short cut dumps you directly onto Silverlake blvd. which you can then take all the way to Sunset with guided and wide bike lanes. This path has truly changed my mind on wanting to ride into new areas during the week when you may be running into more traffic, and has been a real revelation for a lot of my friends who are just learning how to get around LA by way of the LA river bike path. It also works really well in reverse and can function as a great way to access the river from Sunset Blvd. on the onset of a ride. STAY SAFE!
Route link: https://www.strava.com/routes/3062935311521984424